Almost 100,000 tax-payers have paid £121 million using the HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) app since April 2023, taking advantage of the new way to pay their Self-Assessment tax bill.
Latest figures from HMRC reveal that between April and September 2023, 97,365 taxpayers used the app to settle their tax bill for the 2022 to 2023 tax year – more than 3 times the £34.6 million paid by 36,467 taxpayers during the same period last year.
Tax-payers have been able to pay their Self-Assessment tax bill via the free and secure HMRC app since February 2022 and there is a YouTube video demonstrating how to make a payment.
See: Self Assessment payments via the HMRC app treble to £121 million - GOV.UK (
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has announced plans to share more detailed information on business rates valuations, making the system more transparent for ratepayers across England.
Next month, councils across England will be given new powers to transform high streets by tackling long-term empty shops.